News and media

Funding success
10-February-2024. Grant proposal accepted!
We are excited to announced that our proposal INTENSITY (sINglet and Triplet Energy traNSfer In Twodimensional hYbrid perovskites) in the WEAVE scheme has been accepted! Along with experts on the synthesis and calculation of 2D perovskites from Hasselt University and University of Mons, we’ll be looking at novel and tailor compounds and the fate of excitons after excitation.

Khadija jumps on board!
3-February-2024. We have a new lab member!
Khadija is joining the team as doctoral student financed through the ESF Promotionsstipendium. She will be working in our optical lab to characterise the working mechanisms of solution-processed solar cells under operation. Welcome, Khaidja – great to have you with us!

Jabin jumps on board!
4-November-2024. We have a new lab member!
Jabin is joining the KahmannLab for her master’s thesis on exciton diffusion in disordered semiconductors. She will be making use of our PL microscope to track the movement of excitons in some of our exciting materials. Welcome, Jabin!

New term - Improved lecture
8-October-2024. A new term has started and the perovskite lecture is back!
Winter term is here and the second edition of Halide Perovskites in Optoelectronics comes with it. Join the master’s level course if you want to know more about this interesting class of materials that currently rocks the fields of PV and LED technologies.

Our laser arrived
10-September-2024. After a long time of waiting, our laserlab finally contains a laser!
Last week, we saw the delivery and installation of our new Discovery NX femtosecond laser from Coherent, which will be run in combination with a pulse picker and a second harmonic generator from APE. Taken together, we will be able to cover the spectral range from 330 to 1300 nm with 100 femtosecond pulses and a widely variable repetition rates. The laser system will be used for our macroscopic and microscopic spectroscopy experiment. Stay tuned for the first results!

New paper on LEDs and Photonic engineering
13-July-2024. We are happy to announce the publication of a new work on the directionality of light emission in perovskite LEDs!
Published in Nature Communications and led by Zher Ying Ooi in Cambridge, the paper highlights how photonic engineering permits to change the directionality of light emission in PL and EL experiments. Great team effort coordinated by Miguel Anaya and Sam Stranks.

KahmannLab at ICSM24
29-June-2024. This week, Simon and Shenyu attended the International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Electronic Materials – great new insights and a great experience staying in beautiful Dresden.

PhD Position Available!!
21-June-2024. We have an open position for a doctoral project entitled Photophysics of organic-inorganic materials for light-emitting diodes starting in September 2024. Check out the official job add to learn more! Deadline 19 July (scroll down for the English verison).

Shenyu visits us for ICSM
20-June-2024. Shenyu is normally based over in Cambridge working in the group of Sam Stranks. Since she will attend next week’s ICSM conference in Dresden, she also joins us in Chemnitz to take the obligatory visitor selfie.

Farewell to Federico
31-May-2024. This week, we had to say ‘Ciao!’ to visiting student Federico. After a combined six months with us, Federico is returning to Cagliari to finish his PhD later this year. We are sad to see you go, Federico, and wish you all the best in the future!

KahmannLab @ the Sino-German PV Workshop
22-May-2024. This week Arina, Mengru, and Simon went to Erlangen to attend the Sino-German Workshop on Printable Photovoltaics hosted by the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. Besides a lot of interesting talks, the workshop also contained a poster session, lab tours, and a visit to the local Bergkirchweih festival.

New Group Picture
30-April-2024. It has almost been a year since our official start at Chemnitz Univeristy of Technology – time for our first official group picture! Joining Simon are local PhD students Arina and Mengru, who hold Shenyu (joning us from Cambridge), and our guest from Cagliari, Federico.

External Students of The Group
23-April-2024. Our curiosity does not end at our doorstep. This is why we are happy to be involved in student projects at external institutes. This term, we are happy to have two of them to work on exciting projects:
Donyang Liu works on perovskite solar cells at the Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hamelin with Felix Haase. And Martin Ernst conducts a projeect on carbon nanotubes and their treatment at the Fraunhofer ENAS with Martin Hartmann.

Building a new Home
17-April-2024. Our new laser will need a safe home. Our lab is thus back to undergoing construction, and we’ll get a laser-safe and light-tight compartment for our femtosecond spectroscopy/mmicroscopy set-up.

Funding success!!
11-March-2024. We are delighted to announce the positive review of our first research proposal! As part of the DFG scheme for scientific instruments, we shall be receiving a femtosecond laser system and a fast camera for time-resolved spectroscopy and microscopy. Hooray!

Simon Appointed 'Vertrauensdozent' by Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung Foundation
09-February-2024. The Friedrich-Ebert Foundation promotes democracy, political
education, and supports students of outstanding intellectual abilities
and personality on their path through university. Simon will contribute to the Foundation’s work in the field of natural sciences.

Apply for a PhD Scholarship!
06-February-2024. The time for ESF Plus PhD scholarship has come. Contact us now with your idea in photophysics and optoelectronics and join the team! More information can be found here.

New paper Out
22-January-2024. We have a new paper out in Matter! Check out the by Xiyu Luo on heterogeneity in blue perovskite LEDs. This project was led by Feng Gao’s group at Linkköping University and ran in collaboration through the StranksLab.

the KahmannLab Christmas party
14-December-2023. Bringing this exciting year slowly to a close, we joined the DeibelLab for their annual visit to the Christmas market with the obligarotry hot beverage and a nice visit to the restaurant Kellerhaus.

Arina joins the KahmannLab!
20-November-2023. Another permanent member joined our group. Arina Narudin has made the large step stop from Brunei to work with us in Chemnitz on perovskite-inspired materials and their photophysics.
Welcome, Arina!

Federico visits the KahmannLab!
6-November-2023. We are very happy to be hosting Federico Pitzalis from the University of Cagliari for a few months. Federico is a doctoral student supervised by Andrea Mura on the beautiful island of Sardinia and joins us for a project on carrier diffusion in 2D perovskites.
Ciao Federico! We hope you enjoy your stay with us!

Mengru Sun joins the KahmannLab!
17-October-2023. We have a new addition to the KahmannLab! Having graduated from Göttingen University with a degree in physics, Mengru joins us as the first doctoral student in Chemnitz, where to work on spectroscopy and microscopy of solution-processed semiconductors.
Welcome, Mengru – it is great to have you with us!

Winter is coming!
9-October-2023. This week, lectures are starting at Chemnitz University of Technology and we are right in the thick of it.
On Wednesday the new master-level course ‘Halide Perovskites in Optoelectronics’ will start for students of the AFM, physics, or chemistry programme. See you there!

2 PhD positions starting October 2023
11-July-2023. We have two openings for PhD students starting with us at Chemnitz University of Technology in October 2023.
One postion will focus on optical spectroscopy/microsocopy of solution-processed semiconductors & the other one will be on synthesis of perovskites and perovskite-inspired materials.
Find the official advertisements on TUC webpage (here, and here) & submit your application documents in a single .pdf to our secretary Jane quoting the references given in the ads.

Simon appointed Assistant Professor
26-May-2023. Simon was appointed Assistant Professor for Experimental Semiconductor Physics at Chemnitz University of Technology!! Over the upcoming weeks, Simon will be leaving CEB Cambridge to start his new position and lab in Germany.
Also check out the official press release.

Ayla Dekker joins as a visitor
31-Mar-2023. Ayla Dekker is joining us as a visitor. Ayla is a Master’s student at Utrech University and visits Cambridge & the StranksLab for five months to work on chiral perovskites with Simon and the team.

2D Perovskites at MATSUS23
02-Mar-2023. MATSUS23 will be starting on Monday & Simon co-organises a symposium on 2D perovskites. Looking forward to exciting sessions and stimulating discussions. Maybe also some sun down in Valencia. Make sure to come around and say hello!

Shenyu Nie hops on Board
02-Mar-2023. Somewhat belated news. Shenyu joined the KahmannLab in January to work on optical communication based on nanomaterials with a special focus on halide perovskites. Check out her bio on the Team page for more info.

The website is online
01-Mar-2023. Hello world! The KahmannLab finally has its website, and there are some great developments happenig in the background. Exciting times! Stay tuned for more to come…